19.09.2024, Thursday, time: 12:45- 13:30
Main stage

Occlusion and TMD: insights in the invisible

Prof. Marc Schmitter,

Language: english
Simultaneous translation into: polski
Cost: included in the congress fee

The association between occlusion and TMD has been discussed for decades: formerly, occlusion was the “main cause” for TMD, today, occlusion is one of several factors which might be associated with TMD. Some scientist/dentists even claim, that occlusion has no association with TMD at all.

However, new technologies enable scientists to have a closed look on the relation of occlusion and the strain in different tissues. In this context, finite element analysis plays a major role, as in numerous other medical disciplines (e.g. cardiology, orthopaedics etc.). This technique can make the load of different tissues, which cannot be assessed with direct measurements, visible. Thus, this technique might help to understand the relationship between occlusion and TMD. In this presentation fascinating insights in the loading of the temporomandibular joint during function will be presented and the impact of these different loading conditions on function will be discussed.

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